There are a lot of real estate sales agents out there, so how does one decide who to hire? After all, it can be a stressful, complicated process with a lot at stake, so working with only the best should be your number one priority. Whether you’re a first-time home buyer new to the real estate market, or you’re just not happy with how your last property purchase or sale went down, we’ve listed some top tips for you to think about when hiring your next Realtor.

  • Interview a few different people

Just like you would get a few different quotes for a big job, it’s a good practice to meet with at least 2 or 3 different real estate sales reps before signing on with one. Ask them about their experience, specialties, challenges and references. While it may feel ‘nice’ to hire your relative or friend who’s a Realtor, it may not always be in your best interests.

  • Make sure they are there when you need them

Your sales rep may have another job outside of real estate that keeps them hopping, so make sure they are fully committed to you. Find out their exact availability, and make sure it works for you and your schedule. Also, if you’ve hired a big-name agent, find out if you’ll be working with them specifically or various people from their team. You don’t want to get lost in the shuffle.

  • What’s their experience like?

You need a real estate agent who understands your local area, whose specialty is the type of property you’re selling or buying (such as commercial, residential, rural, etc.), and who really lives and breathes all things real estate. Find out how (or if) they keep up on trends, technology, local by-laws and so on – you want to be truly impressed with their track record.

  • What’s the plan?  

A good sales rep has a customized plan for each client or listing. For example, they’ll be able to explain things like if you need professional photographers or videographers, staging help or advice, and what repairs or renovations are most important. Further, they should outline their marketing strategy in detail for you.

  • Are they a ‘closer’?

Don’t forget that one of the most important jobs of a real estate sales rep is to negotiate on your behalf and close the deal. If you want a specific price, closing date, or appliance for example, don’t work with a wishy-washy Realtor who won’t go after what you want. They need to have the drive and commitment to negotiate hard and work diligently each step of the way.

  • Do you have a connection?

You need to have a good rapport with your sales rep. Not only will you be working closely with them for weeks or months, but you’re also about to give them a substantial amount of money (if you’re listing your home, that is). This is why it’s important that you’re comfortable and that you can foresee a solid working relationship.

As you can see, there’s a lot to consider when choosing a real estate sales agent. You deserve the best of the best, so if you’re not confident about your decision, connect with our team at Ares Law in Parry Sound. We know so many of the local Realtors and can recommend some of our favourites to you. Call on us today to book an appointment at 705-746-6444. We specialize in real estate law, so you can count on us for quality, experienced legal representation and advice.