Your cottage is a special place for your friends and family to enjoy spending quality time, so why not consider hosting your family holiday celebrations at the cottage this year? It’s always fun to switch up the routine from time to time, and you’ll create lasting memories in the process. Whether it’s a traditional Christmas or swanky New Year’s Eve party, there are so many options for getting those loved ones together under one happy roof. Let’s look at a few tips and tricks for celebrating the holidays at the cottage so everyone feels a little more dazzled and a little less frazzled.

Be prepared to compromise

Some people don’t like change, especially when it comes to family traditions. For this reason, you may get a bit of resistance at first if you’ve never spent the holidays away from home. If so, remind them of all the things that will stay the same in terms of the holiday food, decorations, music, and so on. Give everyone in the family a chance to have some input and make suggestions about how they envision it personally. If you have teenagers or grown kids, expect to do some shuffling between their plans with friends, sweethearts or spouses and their work schedules in order to really make it work.

What to pack

There’s always a jam-packed vehicle when heading to the cottage, but be prepared to haul even more to your holiday festivities. You’ll need to bring decorations and gifts, as well as wrapping paper, baking supplies, extra bedding or blankets, and warm winter outerwear and gear. Don’t forget to pack extra games, supplies for making fun Christmas crafts, cherished holiday movies or books, and don’t forget you’ll need copious amounts of hot chocolate! If you’re not used to being in Muskoka in the winter, you’ll definitely need snow tires, a shovel or two, and a charger for your car battery…just in case.

Keeping active

Your cottage is a fresh-air oasis during the summer, but in the colder winter months, it may take a bit more prodding to get people outdoors. Why not decorate an outdoor evergreen tree, build a winter fort or have a snowman-building contest? An outdoor bonfire is always beautiful, as is star-gazing and crisp winter hikes – and don’t forget to bring your cameras to capture those stunning winter sights. You can also go snowmobiling, snowshoeing, cross-country skiing or ice skating. If it’s rainy or grey, you can head into town for a movie, a game of pool or darts, or maybe just to grab a bite!

Making new memories

The holidays are hectic enough for most busy families, which is why slowing things down a bit at the family cottage can be just what everyone needs in order to regroup and refocus. With fewer distractions, you’ll all be able to enjoy each other and the scenery that much more. While it may look and feel different from your usual celebrations at home, your cottage getaway over the holidays might just end up being even more festive and fun than you had ever imagined! While your cottage is all about the enjoyment, be sure to keep safety top of mind and help protect your family and guests from accidents and mishaps.

If you’ll be enjoying your holidays at the cottage this year, we hope it’s magical! If you’ve got questions as a cottage owner or want to buy one but aren’t sure what’s involved, be sure to talk to the experienced real estate legal team at Ares Law. Not only are we your local experts, we’re the knowledgeable team you want on your side. Call us at 705-646-8743; we look forward to working with you!