Even though you may not use your Muskoka cottage much between Thanksgiving and Victoria Day, it can still take a lot of time, money and effort to keep it safe and sound during the long winter months. Even after all the work you’ve done to winterize your cottage, there are still concerns about theft, extreme weather or water damage, and so on. Why not cut down on some of the worry and use technology to your advantage? You can sit back and relax and even take that long-awaited sunny vacation knowing your cottage is well-protected. Here are a few technological tools you can use to safeguard your vacant cottage:

1. Remote security & cottage monitoring systems

An empty cottage with no one around is tempting for would-be thieves. There are a few ways to deter them as well as monitor your property without having to be anywhere near there. Some home security or monitoring systems may need to be professionally installed, but many are easy to DIY depending on your level of expertise. The best part? You can control everything from your desktop or smart phone, anywhere, any time of day. Some things that can successfully go high-tech include:

  • Lights – Indoor or outdoor floodlights can be set on timers or turned on and off at your whim. For outdoor lights, you can look for solar-powered ones too.
  • Cameras – exterior, interior, hidden, night vision, motion-detecting, etc. You can monitor it all from your phone and get push alerts for emergencies.
  • Thermostats – control your heat, humidity and even air quality from your smartphone.
  • Alarms – set it to scary barking dogs, loud sirens, or other sounds to scare off uninvited guests and alert neighbours. You can have your system link in with local police or fire departments too.

2. Pest deterrents

Plug in an environmentally safe device that repels rodents by emitting strong sound pressures that are unpleasant enough that they’ll pack up and move on. They use very little energy, just be sure to unplug it when you return for the warmer months.

3. Plumbing and sump pump systems

Don’t let your cottage flood during the spring thaw. Even with a power outage, you can buy a sump-pump water alarm that detects water levels and sends a message to your cell phone in case of higher-than-usual levels. You can also buy an automatic water main shutoff system which involves installing sensor pads on the water main to detect moisture.

4. Staying connected

You can set up a group chat of neighbouring cottagers or your cottage association through a variety of social media channels to stay connected or update one another on any goings-on that need attention.

Even if you have someone who checks on your cottage during the winter or you head up there on occasion yourself, it’s good to know you have terrific technological options at your disposal to protect it more thoroughly. If you’re interested in purchasing a cottage or vacation property here in the Muskoka region, call on the team at Ares Law today at 705-645-8743 to set up an appointment. We specialize in real estate law in Bracebridge and the Muskoka region, and it’s our job to ensure your investment and your legal rights are properly safeguarded.